The State Administration Database

Berry, Frances S., Ralph S. Brower and Geraldo Flowers. (2000):

Implementing Performance Accountability in Florida: What Changed, What Mattered and What Resulted?

Public Productivity and Management Review 23, no.3 (2000): 338-358.

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How has the performance accountability initiative in Florida changed management and budgeting, and what factors have affected its implementation? This article examines three state agencies--the Department of Revenue, the Department of Children and Families, and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement--to understand how their leadership integrated and implemented program performance-based budgeting into their strategic efforts to create comprehensive performance accountability systems. The case studies are organized around four key issues: (a) defining agency structure and decision making, (b) integrating other management initiatives with performance-based budgeting, (c) constituent and stakeholder involvement, and (d) relationships with political principals. Conclusions reveal incremental yet substantive changes that reflect integration of management and budgeting.


Department of Revenue, the Department of Children and Families, and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement in Florida.