Lægreid, Per, Ståle Opedal & Inger Marie Stigen (2005):
The Norwegian Hospital Reform- Balancing Political Control and Enterprise Autonomy.
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, Vol. 30, No. 6, December 2005.
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20/8 2007
State units related to this publication:
- Sosial- og helsedepartementet
- Helse Nord RHF
- Helse Midt-Norge RHF
- Helse Vest RHF
- Helse Sør RHF
- Helsedepartementet
- Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet
Affiliations related to this publication:
- Helseforetak
Publikasjonens datagrunnlag:
- Primærdata
- Kvantitativ
- Kvalitativ
- Spørreskjema
- Dokumentstudie
Land som er gjenstand for studien:
- Norge
Verkemiddel i den konstituerande styringa:
- 1.1 Organisering generelt
- 1.2 Endring i tilknytningsform
- 1.4 Finansiering
- 1.5 Lov- og regelverk
- 1.7 Personaladministrative/demografiske verkemiddel
- Forskning
- Iverksetting/implementeringsstudie
- Effektstudie/implikasjoner/resultater
Type effekt:
- Kostnadseffektivitet
- Samfunnseffektivitet
- Strukturelle og styringsmessige effektar
- Kvalitet og sikkerhetsmessige effektar
- Verdimessige effektar
- Driftskostnadsmessige effektar
Sektor (cofog):
- Utøvande og lovgivande myndigheiter K
- Generelle sykehustenester I
- Spesialiserte sykehustenester I
- Staten generelt
This essay focuses on the balance between governmental control and enterprise autonomy by examining the Norwegian hospital reform. We describe the enterprise model and give a description of the policy instruments that the government, as owner, has for exercising power and control vis-à-vis the health enterprises. How the trade-off between autonomy and control is experienced and practiced is analyzed from an instrumental, an institutional, and an environmental perspective. The database comprises a survey collected from health enterprise executives and illustrative cases. The trade-off can be characterized as ambiguous and unstable and we ask whether it is possible to achieve a strategy to more appropriately balance the goals of control and autonomy.