The State Administration Database

Reichersdorfer, Johannes ; Christensen, Tom ; Vrangbæk, Karsten ; Lægreid, Per ; Mattei, Paola (2013):

Accountability of immigration administration: comparing crises in Norway, Denmark and Germany

International Review of Administrative Sciences June 2013 vol. 79 no. 2 271-291

Please note: This page may contain data in Norwegian that is not translated to English.

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Norge, Danmark, Tyskland



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16/5 2014

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Accountability can be conceptualized as institutionalized mechanisms obliging actors to explain their conduct to different forums, which can pose questions and impose sanctions. This article analyses different ‘crises’ in immigration policies in Norway, Denmark and Germany along a descriptive framework of five different accountability types: political, administrative, legal, professional and social accountability. The exchanges of information, debate and their consequences between an actor and a forum are crucial to understanding how political-administrative action is carried out in critical situations. First, accountability dynamics emphasize conventional norms and values regarding policy change and, second, formal political responsibility does not necessarily lead to political consequences such as minister resignations in cases of misbehaviour. Consequences strongly depend on how accountability dynamics take place.

Points for practitioners

Political and administrative leaders as well as civil servants are faced with several demands from the wider public and from internal or external peers. There is a relationship between actors and forums that is important in understanding how public administration works. This relationship can be described as accountability dynamics. In cases of crises, these dynamics can overcome or sustain daily administrative practices and routines. Our accountability framework offers a systematic scheme to recognize five accountability relations which should be considered during reorganization processes or policy changing initiatives.