The State Administration Database

Solvik, Bård (2014):

The Norwegian Coast Guard Model Strengthening Norwegian Seapower or unfortunate militarization of Norwegian jurisdiction?

Oslo: Institutt for statsvitenskap. Universitetet i Oslo. Masteroppgave.

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This thesis is an analysis of the Norwegian coast guard model. The study is based on theory of Seapower by Geoffrey Till and empirical data mainly from official Norwegian documents. The analysis of the Norwegian coast guard model is based on three dimensions of the model: the naval power dimension, the good order at sea dimension, and the cost-benefit dimension. The thesis is divided into three main parts. The focus of the first part, consisting of chapter one and two, is to define what a coast guard is. Furthermore, the theoretical foundation of this thesis and the rationale behind coast guard models in general, and the Norwegian coast guard model in particular, is found in this part. The second part is an account of the events that led up to the establishment of the Norwegian Coast Guard and the main developments that have occurred since. The last part of the thesis, consisting of chapter four and five, analyses the Norwegian coast guard model, its challenges and possibilities. This study has found that the Norwegian coast guard model is a flexible model that enables the Coast Guard and Navy to alleviate each other if needed. On the other hand the study indicates that the military aspect of the model could in some cases complicate the coast guard in its duty to exercise police authority. Lastly it is the finding of this thesis that the model is probably highly cost-beneficial in the Norwegian setting. These are features that may be generalizable to other coastal states of similar size as Norway.