The State Administration Database

Kleppestø, Dag Olav (2011):

Sikkerhetskultur i Forsvaret

Oslo, Forsvarets høgskole

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17/11 2017

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Obtaining knowledge about safety concept in the Norwegian Armed Forces is of interest to the Armed forces leadership as there is a drift towards increasing joint effort for improving safety. But a shortage exists on relevant studies, one of which is the safety culture. This study aims to address safety culture variance within the Armed forces. 4370 employers have participated in a survey to map inputs on defined dimensions of safety climate. Inputs on dimensions to include “management safety involvement”, “risk- level”, and “safetysystems”, screened from several other surveys related to Norwegian offshore industry (Bjerkan, 2010; Flin, et al., 2000; Høivik, Tharldsen, Baste, & Moen, 2009). Variance of safety climate was in this study theoretisized to have a link to level of risk perception based on contact with the risk source in your workplace, i.e operations estimates closer to higher risk source than maintenance, staff, and school institutions. The samples of this survey did not show significance toward this theory but did shed a light on developing safety climate / safety culture ratings on indexes of severity of hazards or risks in different workplaces.