The State Administration Database

Nordseth, Ulrikke Johanne; Solgaard, Jannicke Gullvik (2017):

Norway’s national memory: Exploring the digital archive

Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo, vår 2017

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21/12 2017

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This project investigate how to discover more of the collection of The National Library of Norway. Our proposal facilitate for visual browsing the digital archive. The library’s role is to preserve and convey their collection. Today it is accessible trough events that primarily takes place in the physical library. They have a website where the collection is available. If you know what to search for. We propose a strategy where we envision modules for content production and storytelling that can enrich the front page and give a wider and more visual view to the archive as a whole. But also other areas of the site can be enhanced with interlinked and related material. Our design proposal is a framework for a new website enabling the user to explore and be guided into the archive's many treasures.