The State Administration Database

Solvang, Øystein; Saglie, Jo; Winsvold, Marte (2023):

Does municipal amalgamation affect trust in local politicians? The case of Norway


Please note: This page may contain data in Norwegian that is not translated to English.

Type of publication:


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Number of pages:



0192-5121; 1460-373X

Language of publication:


Country of publication:

Norge, Danmark



This page was last updated:

5/7 2024

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When municipalities merge, they grow and, at the same time, experience a comprehensive reform process, both of which may affect political trust. We explore whether and how the large-scale municipal amalgamation reforms in Norway in the 2010s affected citizens’ trust in local and national elected officials and assemblies. We examine the effects of both changes in size and reform processes using survey data on trust in local and national political officials and assemblies before, and at the time, of the merger. In contrast to studies conducted in Denmark, we do not find evidence that the Norwegian Local Government Reform had significant negative effects on political trust. We argue that this difference between Denmark and Norway can be explained by differences in how the two reform processes were implemented.