The State Administration Database

County Governor of Aust-Agder

This page shows data from StatRes registered for this unit. Source: StatRes/SSB.

StatRes was SSB's system for statistics on government use of resources and results. This statistic is discontinued from 2015; period covered is from 2006 to 2014.

Data from StatRes
Year StatRes name Prod. Salaries Purchases Invest. Appropr. Expend. Pension FTEs
2006 Fylkesmannen i Aust-Agder 65 60.0 40.0 3 420 488 5 74
2007 Fylkesmannen i Aust-Agder 68 60.3 39.7 3 481 552 5 77
2008 Fylkesmannen i Aust-Agder 70 61.4 38.6 4 567 641 5 73
2009 Fylkesmannen i Aust-Agder 71 64.8 35.2 8 572 651 6 76
2010 Fylkesmannen i Aust-Agder 80 61.3 38.7 3 628 711 6 80
2011 Fylkesmannen i Aust-Agder 81 64.2 35.8 3 101 185 6 77
2012 Fylkesmannen i Aust-Agder 90 62.2 37.8 3 98 191 7 82
2013 Fylkesmannen i Aust-Agder 115 52.2 47.8 2 41 158 7 91
2014 Fylkesmannen i Aust-Agder 99 68.7 31.3 2 71 172 8

Source: StatRes/SSB.