The State Administration Database

Hedmark University College, Elverum

This page shows data from StatRes registered for this unit. Source: StatRes/SSB.

StatRes was SSB's system for statistics on government use of resources and results. This statistic is discontinued from 2015; period covered is from 2006 to 2014.

Data from StatRes
Year StatRes name Prod. Salaries Purchases Invest. Appropr. Expend. Pension FTEs
2006 Høgskolen i Hedmark 366 62.6 37.4 4 0 370 0 427
2007 Høgskolen i Hedmark 402 62.4 37.6 4 0 406 0 465
2008 Høgskolen i Hedmark 434 64.5 35.5 7 0 441 0 484
2009 Høgskolen i Hedmark 448 64.3 35.7 7 0 455 0 443
2010 Høgskolen i Hedmark 459 63.2 36.8 14 0 473 0 452
2011 Høgskolen i Hedmark 491 60.5 39.5 18 0 509 0 466
2012 Høgskolen i Hedmark 512 62.9 37.1 12 0 524 0 461
2013 Høgskolen i Hedmark 542 64.8 35.2 16 0 558 0 515
2014 Høgskolen i Hedmark 591 65.7 34.3 0 0 591 0

Source: StatRes/SSB.