The State Administration Database

* Norwegian university council

This page shows publications about this unit.

Please note: This page may contain data in Norwegian that is not translated to English.

20 publications
Type Year Title Author
Bokkapittel Universitetet - fra kulturinstitusjon til kunnskapsbedrift? Bleiklie, Ivar
Bokkapittel Politiske nettverk og den universitetspolitiske arena. Bleiklie, Ivar
Bokkapittel Lokale reformstrategier - ritualisering, tilpasning og utnytting. Bleiklie, Ivar og Gro Reppen, Marianne Aarre, Nicoline Frølich.
Bokkapittel Reformpolitikk og endring. Bleiklie, Ivar
Bok 2000 Policy and Practice in Higher Education. Reforming Norwegian Universities. Bleiklie, Ivar og Roar Høstaker, Agnete Vabø
Bok 1996 Kunnskap og makt. Norsk høyere utdanning i endring. Bleiklie, Ivar (red.)
Bok 1989 Universitet og samfunn. Festskrift til Magne Lerheim. Lerheim, Magne, Arnfinn Graue og Kjell A. Sælen.
Notat 2001 Changing Knowledge Regimes. And Public Support of Higher Education. Bleiklie, Ivar og Haldor Byrkjeflot
Notat 2000 Kvalitet og fristilling. Bleiklie, Ivar
Notat 1999 University and Democracy. Bleiklie, Ivar
Notat 1999 Policy Regimes and Policy Change. Comparing Higher Education Reform Policy in Three European Countries. Bleiklie, Ivar
Notat 1997 Policy Regimes and Policy Design - a Dynamic Network Approach. The cases of higher education in England, Sweden and Norway. Bleiklie, Ivar og Steve Hanney, Susan Marton.
Notat 1996 Reform and Change in the Higher Education System. Bleiklie, Ivar
Notat 1996 Rendering unto Caesar. On Implementation Strategies in Academia. Bleiklie, Ivar
Notat 1995 The Politics of Higher Education Reform. Bleiklie, Ivar
Notat 1995 Policy Arenas, Networks and Higher Education Reform. The Cases of England, Sweden and Norway. Bleiklie, Ivar og Steve Hanney, Susan Marton.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2000 Policy Regimes and Policy Change: Comparing Higher Education Reform Policy in Three European Countries. Bleiklie, Ivar
Tidsskriftsartikkel 1999 The University, the State, and Civil Society. Bleiklie, Ivar
Tidsskriftsartikkel 1998 Justifying the Evaluative State: New Public Management ideals in higher education. Bleiklie, Ivar
Tidsskriftsartikkel 1994 From Individual Pursuit to Organised Enterprise: Norwegian Higher Education Policy and the Post Graduate Curriculum. Bleiklie, Ivar & Roar Høstaker