The State Administration Database

* Section for competition law

This page shows the event history for this unit.

01.01.1997* Regular founding

Name: * Section S2 (S2)
Short name: S2
Affiliations: Ministry
Hierarchical level: Section
Located: 301 Oslo

01.01.2005* Change of name

Name: * Legal section
Short name: Juridisk seksjon

01.01.2007* Change of name

Name: * Competition law section
Short name: Konkurranselovseksjonen

Please note that this event has comments in Norwegian that are for the present not translated into English.

01.01.2011* Change of name

Name: * Section for Public Support and Competition
Short name: SSK

The section is responsible for legal issues related to competition law, price action law and the EEA competition law, including questions regarding the decentralized enforcement of Art. 53 and 54 EEA. Moreover, the section responsible for the design, interpretation and evaluation of regulations with the law. The section leads the department's handling of complaints under the Competition Act and the Postal Services Act.
The section is also responsible for the design and interpretation of national and international regulations related to public support, including the law on public support and associated regulations. The section is responsible for following up notifications, reporting, coordination and information related to the regulations for public support in the EEA. When it comes to international cooperation, follow up on this section of the EEA and the WTO.
Source:, 2011

01.01.2014* Maintenance by reorganization

Please note that this event has comments in Norwegian that are for the present not translated into English.

01.01.2014* Change of name

Name: * Section for competition law
Short name: Seksjon for konkurranserett

31.12.2017* Ending by merger


* = If a date is denoted with an asterisk (*), this implies that the date is not confirmed.

* = If a name is denoted with an asterisk (*), this implies a direct translation from Norwegian to English. The translation is thus not necessarily the official one (if any exists at all).

Comment to the change-of-name event: Sometimes the old and new name is the same. This occur when the translation to English haven’t taken into consideration minor Norwegian name change.