The State Administration Database

NOU - Norway Opening Universities

This page shows the event history for this unit.

01.01.2004 Founding by complex reorganization

Name: NOU - Norway Opening Universities
Short name: NO
Affiliations: Other public administration body
Hierarchical level: Highest level
COFOG 09 Education
Main affiliation category: National single organization (without subordinated units)
Located: 1902 Tromsø

About Norway Opening Universities (NOU) (source:

Norway Opening Universities is not a university, but a national political initiative for opening Norwegian universities and colleges in various ways:
- Opening the access to higher education
- Opening institutions of higher education to a better understanding of the needs of society and working life
- Opening universities and colleges to more flexible modes of teaching and learning by stimulating the creative and competent use of ICT.

NOU is established and supported by the Norwegian government and the Ministry of Education and Research, who appoints the members of the NOU Board. The headquarters of NOU is at the University of Tromsø, the northernmost university in the world.

NOU main tasks:
- project funding
- generating and sharing knowledge in the field of lifelong, flexible and ICTsupported learning
- doing analysis, evaluations and publishing reports on important issues
- passing on free of charge information about courses and lifelong learning opportunities on the web
- being a policy advisor for the Ministry
- arranging seminars and conferences
- cooperating with other important and similar organizations

NOU is member of the following internationally oriented organizations:
International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), European Distance Education Network (EDEN), Research and Education Network (REN).

31.12.2017 Ending by absorption

(The unit is terminated (absorbed by another existing unit).)
The unit was absorbed by:

Please note that this event has comments in Norwegian that are for the present not translated into English.


* = If a date is denoted with an asterisk (*), this implies that the date is not confirmed.

* = If a name is denoted with an asterisk (*), this implies a direct translation from Norwegian to English. The translation is thus not necessarily the official one (if any exists at all).

Comment to the change-of-name event: Sometimes the old and new name is the same. This occur when the translation to English haven’t taken into consideration minor Norwegian name change.