The State Administration Database

* Protection againt fire and explosions - district offices

This page shows decentralized state units and decentralized subordinate units.

Decentralized units

1994 12 district offices subordinate units
1995 12 district offices subordinate units
1996 11 district offices subordinate units
1997 11 district offices subordinate units
1998 9 district offices subordinate units
1999 9 district offices subordinate units
2000 9 district offices subordinate units
2001 9 district offices subordinate units


In cases where the local units are estimated, this is indicated '(est.)'.


'Decentralized state units' report directly to the ministry. In other words there are no intermediate directorate etc.

'Decentralized subordinate units' have an intermediate level between themselves and the corresponding ministry. I.e. the units have to report through a directorate etc.