The State Administration Database

NAV Finnmark

Unit info.

Founding by complex reorganization

Date: 01.07.2006 (date not confirmed)
Name at founding: NAV Finnmark County Office

Pure disbanding

Date: 18.02.2019 (date not confirmed)

Latest key info

NSD id number: 56758
Name: NAV Finnmark
Short name: NAV Finnmark
Affiliations: Other public administration body
COFOG 10 Social protection
Belongs to group NAV Troms og Finnmark
Main affiliation category: Body part of group subordinated ministry
Located: 2003 Vadsø
Organization number: 974762021
Ogranisjonsprinsipp: Geografi


* = If a name is denoted with an asterisk (*), this implies a direct translation from Norwegian to English. The translation is thus not necessarily the official one (if any exists at all).