The State Administration Database

* Norwegian Radium hospital and institute for cancer research

This page shows employees statistics for this unit.

Note: NSD is not responsible for possible errors and omissions in the data about state employees we have received from the SST-register. Errors can apply to both individual units and on an aggregated agency level. Please note that the time series - especially for organizations with several subordinated units - may show fluctuations for some years that may indicate errors in input data.

Manglende data om statsansatte etter 2014:

I forbindelse med etableringen av A-ordningen fra 2015 er innsamling av lønnsopplysninger for alle ansatte samordnet og hjemlet i A-opplysningsloven ( Fra samme tidspunkt opphørte videre drift av Statens sentrale tjenestemannsregister (SST). Etter overgang til A-ordningen har ikke Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet (KMD) lenger hjemmel til å videreformidle data om statsansatte fra SSB til NSD. Dette innebærer at NSD inntil videre må slette 2015 og 2016 årgangene fra nettsidene våre. Vi vil heller ikke kunne publisere data fra 2017 tellingene.

Brukere av denne tjenesten som ønsker å hente ut ut detaljerte data om statsansatte må inntil videre kontakte SSB eller finne fram til informasjonen via Statistikkbanken (

NSD vil arbeide for å få på plass en avtale med SSB slik at vi igjen kan få tilgang til data om statsansatte.

Show: Salary category:

Number of employees, regular employees
Total Heltid Deltid
Year MenWomenTotal MenWomenTotal MenWomenTotal
1980 196 974 1170 193 711 904 3 263 266
1981 213 1003 1216 203 705 908 10 298 308
1982 216 983 1199 206 670 876 10 313 323
1983 230 979 1209 216 657 873 14 322 336
1984 210 976 1186 203 660 863 7 316 323
1985 217 987 1204 209 667 876 8 320 328
1986 204 1018 1222 193 687 880 11 331 342
1987 217 987 1204 206 663 869 11 324 335
1988 214 976 1190 203 659 862 11 317 328
1989 229 1002 1231 218 694 912 11 308 319
1990 220 1031 1251 207 700 907 13 331 344
1991 228 1045 1273 216 678 894 12 367 379
1992 233 1032 1265 221 662 883 12 370 382
1993 241 1039 1280 229 678 907 12 361 373
1994 251 1037 1288 238 661 899 13 376 389
1995 251 1043 1294 233 678 911 18 365 383
1996 252 1069 1321 240 713 953 12 356 368
1997 282 1095 1377 270 718 988 12 377 389
1998 287 1115 1402 273 718 991 14 397 411
1999 320 1136 1456 306 747 1053 14 389 403
2000 329 1161 1490 309 765 1074 20 396 416
2001 353 1215 1568 324 795 1119 29 420 449
Average age, regular employees
Total Heltid Deltid
Year MenWomenTotal MenWomenTotal MenWomenTotal
1980 39 36 37 39 33 35 45 44
1981 39 36 37 39 33 35 29 44 44
1982 39 38 38 40 34 36 30 45 44
1983 39 38 38 40 35 36 28 44 44
1984 40 38 39 41 35 37 27 45 45
1985 41 38 39 42 35 37 30 45 44
1986 41 38 39 42 35 36 28 45 44
1987 42 39 39 42 35 37 34 46 45
1988 43 39 40 43 36 38 32 46 45
1989 42 39 40 42 36 37 40 46 46
1990 43 39 40 43 37 38 33 45 45
1991 42 39 40 42 37 39 33 44 43
1992 42 40 41 43 38 39 35 44 44
1993 42 40 41 42 39 39 31 44 44
1994 42 41 41 42 39 40 34 44 44
1995 42 41 42 43 40 40 36 44 44
1996 43 41 41 43 39 40 35 44 44
1997 43 41 41 43 39 40 40 44 44
1998 42 41 41 43 40 40 39 43 43
1999 42 41 41 42 39 40 34 44 44
2000 42 41 41 42 40 40 38 44 43
2001 42 41 41 42 40 41 38 43 43

The above table shows the average age for regular employees. Note that if number of empolyees is less than 5, the age is not shown.

Event history that may result in change in number og employees

01.01.1974* Change of name

Name: * Norwegian Radium hospital and institute for cancer research
Short name: Det Norske Radiumhospital og Institutt for kreftforskning

Please note that this event has comments in Norwegian that are for the present not translated into English.

01.01.1999 New form of affiliation/administrative level

(The unit is reorganized and has changed its form of affiliation/administrative level.)

Please note that this event has comments in Norwegian that are for the present not translated into English.

01.01.2002 New superior organization and level

(The unit reports to a new superior organization and at the same time changes its form of affiliation/administrative level.)
Affiliations: Regional Health Authority
Hierarchical level: Highest level

Please note that this event has comments in Norwegian that are for the present not translated into English.


* = If a date is denoted with an asterisk (*), this implies that the date is not confirmed.

* = If a name is denoted with an asterisk (*), this implies a direct translation from Norwegian to English. The translation is thus not necessarily the official one (if any exists at all).

Comment to the change-of-name event: Sometimes the old and new name is the same. This occur when the translation to English haven’t taken into consideration minor Norwegian name change.