Brudney, J.L., Hebert, F.T & Wright, D.S. (1999):
Reinventing Government in the American States: Measuring and Explaining Administrative Reform.
Public Administration Review, 59(1), 19-30.
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Land som er gjenstand for studien:
Verkemiddel i den konstituerande styringa:
- 1.1 Organisering generelt
- 1.2 Endring i tilknytningsform
- 1.3 Privatisering/markedsretting
- 1.4 Finansiering
- 1.5 Lov- og regelverk
- 1.7 Personaladministrative/demografiske verkemiddel
Verkemiddel i den operative styringa av ststlege verksemder:
- 2.1 Formell styringsdialog
- 2.2 Kontraktslignande avtaler
- 2.3 Styringssystemer og -verktøy
- Forskning
- Effektstudie/implikasjoner/resultater
Type effekt:
- Kostnadseffektivitet
- Samfunnseffektivitet
- Strukturelle og styringsmessige effektar
- Verdimessige effektar
Sektor (cofog):
- Staten generelt
Reform waves flowing across the American political landscape are not new. In the states they have paralleled and sometimes preceded national government reforms that began early in this century and extended into recent decades (Garnett, 1980; Conant, 1988, 1992). Shortly after the federal Taft Commission proposed management reforms in 1912, states set a pattern of examining their structures for possible reorganization. Garnett (1980) identified state reorganization waves associated successively with the Taft Commission, the Brownlow Committee of the 1930s, and the first Hoover Commission of 1947-49. Conant suggested a fourth wave of reform in the 1960 to 1980 period that included more than 20 successful comprehensive state reorganizations (1988, 894). We examine the nature of state reforms in the current decade.
That state-level comprehensive reforms in the 1990s might center on "reinventing government" should come as no surprise. In their book, Reinventing Government, Osborne and Gaebler (1992) raised issues that confront state administrators and cited state leaders' experiences in developing "entrepreneurial government." From these examples they sought to identify "common threads" to offer as guides (19). After examining one state (Minnesota) in depth, Barzelay (1992) described a "post-bureaucratic paradigm" that he argued marks this next reform. The National Commission on State and Local Public Service, chaired by former Mississippi Governor William Winter, assembled a set of scholarly papers and held regional hearings to explore steps to "revitalize state and local governance" (Thompson, 1993, 1). The commission ultimately issued recommendations overlapping with reinvention. The American states appear to be adopting some changes that are consistent with reinvention recommendations. To explore this development, we surveyed state agency directors in late 1994 and early 1995 and examine here the scope, content, and implementation of reinvention reforms across the 50 states near the midpoint of the present decade.
Virksomheter, vertikal og horisontal dimensjon for utenlandske studier:
Survey til 1200 etatsledere i ulike stater i USA.