Publikasjoner om "Land som er gjenstand for studien": "Australia"

Publikasjoner kategorisert på: "Land som er gjenstand for studien" og "Australia".

23 publikasjoner
Type År Publikasjonstittel Forfattar
Bok 1996 The Great Experiment. Labour Parties and Public Policy Transformation in Australia and New Zealand Castle, Francis, Rolf Gerritsen & Jack Vowles
Bok 1998 Taking Stock. Assessing Public Sector Reforms. Peter, B. Guy & Donald J. Savoie (ed.)
Bok 2001 New Public Management. The transformation of ideas and practice. Christensen, Tom & Per Lægreid
Bok 2001 The New Public Management. Improving Research and Policy Dialogue Barzelay, Michael
Bok 2002 International Atlas of Evaluation. Furubo, Jan-Eric & Rolf Sandahl, Ray C. Rist (ed.)
Bok 2003 Paradoxes in Public Sector Reform. An International Comparison. Hesse, Joachim Jens, Christopher Hood & B. Gyu Peters
Bok 2003 Evaluation in Public-Sector Reform. Concepts and Practice in International Perspective. Wollmann, Hellmut
Bok 2004 Public Management Reform.A Comparative Analysis. (Second edition) Pollitt, Christopher og Geert Bouckaert
Bok 2006 Autonomy and Regulation. Coping with Agencies in the Modern State. Christensen, Tom & Per Lægreid (ed.)
Bok 2007 Transcending New Public Management. The Transformation of Public Sector Reforms. Christensen, Tom & Per Lægreid (ed.)
Bok 2007 Managing Performance: International Comparisons. Bouckaert, Geert & John Halligan
Bokkapittel Policy Capacity and the Effects of New Public Management. Painter, Martin
Bokkapittel Still Fragmented Government or Reassertion of the Centre? Christensen, Tom & Amund Lie og Per Lægreid
Bokkapittel Types of State Organizations: Arguments, Doctrines and Changes Beyond New Public Management Roness, Paul G.
Bokkapittel New Public Management - Undermining Political Control? Christensen, Tom & Per Lægreid
Bokkapittel Transforming State Employees Unions. Roness, Paul G.
Bokkapittel Rebalancing the State: Reregulation and the Reassertion of the Centre. Christensen, Tom & Per Lægreid
Rapport 2004 NOU 2004: 12 Bedre skatteoppkreving Nils-Henrik Mørch von der Fehr (leder), Sandra Riise, Lars Detlie, Anne Lise Fimreite, Bente Fylken, Jan Magnus, Bjørn Røse
Rapport 2005 Sammanhållna processer - en studie av horisoentell samverkan Quist, Johan
Rapportkapittel Regionale og distriktspolitiske effekter av New Public Management Christensen, Tom
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2003 Assessing Public Management Reform in an International Context. Jones, L. R. & Kettl, Donald F
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2004 State employees' unions and administrative reforms: comparisons between Sweden, Norway, Australia and New Zealand. Roness, Paul G.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 Organizing for Policy Implementation: Comparisons, Lessons, Prospects for Cabinet Implementations Units. Lindquist, Evert