Publikasjoner om "Land som er gjenstand for studien": "Storbritannia"

Publikasjoner kategorisert på: "Land som er gjenstand for studien" og "Storbritannia".

43 publikasjoner
Type År Publikasjonstittel Forfattar
Bok 1998 Taking Stock. Assessing Public Sector Reforms. Peter, B. Guy & Donald J. Savoie (ed.)
Bok 1999 Regulation Inside Government: Waste-Watchers, Quality Police, and Sleazebusters Hood, C., James, O., Jones, G., Scott, C. & Travers, T.
Bok 2000 Privatization. An International Review of Performance. Hodge, Graeme A.
Bok 2001 På kryss eller tvers? Eriksen, Svein
Bok 2001 Monopoler for fall Kringen, Jacob, Hind, Roar, Moberg, Liv og Fosseng, Arne
Bok 2001 The New Public Management. Improving Research and Policy Dialogue Barzelay, Michael
Bok 2002 International Atlas of Evaluation. Furubo, Jan-Eric & Rolf Sandahl, Ray C. Rist (ed.)
Bok 2003 EVALUATING PUBLIC MANAGEMENT REFORMS. Boyne, George, Catherine Farrell, Jennifer Law, Martin Powell & Richard Walker
Bok 2003 Paradoxes in Public Sector Reform. An International Comparison. Hesse, Joachim Jens, Christopher Hood & B. Gyu Peters
Bok 2003 The Executive Agency Revolution in Whitehall. Public Interest versus Bureau-Shaping Perspectives. Oliver, James
Bok 2004 Public Management Reform.A Comparative Analysis. (Second edition) Pollitt, Christopher og Geert Bouckaert
Bok 2006 Autonomy and Regulation. Coping with Agencies in the Modern State. Christensen, Tom & Per Lægreid (ed.)
Bok 2006 Public Service Performance. Perspectives on Measurement and Management. Boyne, George A., Kenneth J. Meier, Laurence J. O'Toole & Richard M. Walker (ed.)
Bok 2007 Managing Performance: International Comparisons. Bouckaert, Geert & John Halligan
Bok 2007 New Public Management in Europe. Adaptation and Alternatives. Pollitt, Vincent Homburg and Sandra van Thiel.
Bokkapittel The New Public Management in international perspective. An analysis of impacts and effects Pollitt, Christopher
Bokkapittel Rebalancing the State: Reregulation and the Reassertion of the Centre. Christensen, Tom & Per Lægreid
Rapport 2000 NOU 2000: 19 Bør offentlig sektor eksponeres for konkurranse? En gjennomgang av nasjonale og internasjonale erfaringer Fornyings- og administrasjonsdepartementet
Rapport 2002 Stat/kommunrelationer i Europa - En studie av uppgifts- och ansvarsfördelningen mellan den centrala, regionala och lokala nivån i nio europeiska länder. Publikationsnr: 2002:22 Hedin, Carl-Peter, Lundberg, Leif og Møller, Jan
Rapport 2003 On Target? Government By Measurement.
Rapport 2004 Behov for bedre samordning av reguleringspolitikken Arbeids- og administrasjonsdepartementet
Rapport 2004 NOU 2004: 12 Bedre skatteoppkreving Nils-Henrik Mørch von der Fehr (leder), Sandra Riise, Lars Detlie, Anne Lise Fimreite, Bente Fylken, Jan Magnus, Bjørn Røse
Rapport 2005 Sammanhållna processer - en studie av horisoentell samverkan Quist, Johan
Rapport 2005 Belyse helseforetaksmodellens funksjonalitet. En evaluering av utvalgte sider ved helseforetaksmodellens virkemåte og effekter, begrensninger og potensialer Magnussen, Geir, Hansen, Peter Emmerich
Notat 2003 The use of usefulness of performance measures in the Public Sector. Propper, Carol & Deborah Wilson
Notat 2005 Politics and the regulatory state: The difficult case of Britain´s railways. Paper for the panel “European Regulatory Agencies: A new model of governance?” Bartle, Ian
Tidsskriftsartikkel 1998 The New Public Management and a New Accountability Barberis, Peter
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2002 Plans, performance information and accountability: The case of best value. Boyne, George & Julian Gould-Williams, Jennifer Law , Richard Walker
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2003 Sources of Public Service Improvement: A Critical Review and Research Agenda Boyne, George A
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2004 The Middle Aging of New Public Management: Into the Age of Paradox? Hood, Christopher og Guy Peters
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2004 Executive Agencies: Have They Improved Management in Government.” Public Money and Management 24, no.2 (2004): 104-112. Talbot, Colin
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2004 Explaining Public Service Performance: Does Management Matter? Boyne, George
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2004 Distributed Public Governance in Britain Flinders, Matthew
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2004 Has Devolution Increased Democratic Accountability? Ezzamel, M., Hyndman, N. S., Johnsen, Å., Lapsley, I. & Pallot, J.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2005 Sheila M. Bird, Sir David Cox, Vern T. Farewell, Harvey Goldstein ,Tim Holt, Peter C. Smith Performance indicators: good, bad, and ugly
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 Organizing for Policy Implementation: Comparisons, Lessons, Prospects for Cabinet Implementations Units. Lindquist, Evert
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 Ambiguity in Policy Lessons: The Agencification Experience. Moynihan, Donald P.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 Public Management Reform and Organizational Performance: An Empirical Assessment of the U.K. Labour Government's Public Service Improvement Strategy. Walker, Richard og George Boyne
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 Gaming in Targetworld: The Targets Approach to Managing British Public Services. Hood, Cristopher
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2007 Grounding Governance in Dialogue? Discource, Practice and the Potential for a New Public Sector Organizational Form in Britain Davies, Celia
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2007 Performance Targets and Public Service Improvement. Boyne, George A. & Alex A. Chen
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2007 Improving UK Public Services: A Review of the Evidence Hodgson, Lesley, Catherine M. Farrell & Michael Connolly
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2008 New Labour`s Re-disorganization: Hyper-Modernism and the Costs of Reform - a Cautionary Tale. Pollitt, Christopher