Publikasjoner om "Land som er gjenstand for studien": "USA"

Publikasjoner kategorisert på: "Land som er gjenstand for studien" og "USA".

72 publikasjoner
Type År Publikasjonstittel Forfattar
Bok 1998 Taking Stock. Assessing Public Sector Reforms. Peter, B. Guy & Donald J. Savoie (ed.)
Bok 1999 Public Management Reform and Innovation H. George Fredrickson & Jocelyn M. Johnston
Bok 2000 In the Web of Politics. Three Decades of the U.S. Federal Executive. Aberbach, J. D. & B. A. Rockman
Bok 2000 The Future of Merit: Twenty Years After the Civil Service Reform Act. James P. Pfiffner and Douglas A. Brooks
Bok 2001 Rethinking Democratic Accountability Behn, Robert D.
Bok 2002 International Atlas of Evaluation. Furubo, Jan-Eric & Rolf Sandahl, Ray C. Rist (ed.)
Bok 2003 Evaluation in Public-Sector Reform. Concepts and Practice in International Perspective. Wollmann, Hellmut
Bok 2003 Paradoxes in Public Sector Reform. An International Comparison. Hesse, Joachim Jens, Christopher Hood & B. Gyu Peters
Bok 2004 Public Management Reform.A Comparative Analysis. (Second edition) Pollitt, Christopher og Geert Bouckaert
Bok 2006 Measuring the Performance of the Hollow State. Frederickson, David G. and H. George Frederickson
Bok 2006 Challenging the Performance Movement: Accountability, Complexity and Democratic Values. Radin, B.A.
Bok 2007 Managing Performance: International Comparisons. Bouckaert, Geert & John Halligan
Bok 2007 Governmental Transparency in the Path of Administrative Reform. Piotrowski, Suzanne J.
Bok 2008 The Dynamics of Performance Management: Constructing Information and Reform. Moynihan, Donald P.
Bokkapittel The New Public Management in international perspective. An analysis of impacts and effects Pollitt, Christopher
Bokkapittel Evaluating Public Management Reforms in Central Government: Norway, Sweden and the United States of America. Christensen, Tom, Per Lægreid & Lois R. Wise.
Bokkapittel Evolving Dimensions of Performance from the CSRA to the Present. Ingraham, Patricia W. and Donald P. Moynihan
Bokkapittel Do Goals Help Create Innovative Organizations? Behn, R
Bokkapittel The National Performance Review As Implicit Evaluation of CSRA Ban, C.
Rapport 2003 Linking Performance and Budgeting: Opportunities in the Federal Budgeting Process. Joyce, Philip J.
Rapport 2004 Staying the Course: The Use of Performance Measurement in State Government. Melkers, J.E., & Willoughby, K.G.
Rapport 2006 Implementing OMB’s Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART ): Meeting the Challenges of Integrating Budget and Performance. Gilmour, John B.
Rapport 2006 Performance-based Contracting in Social Welfare Programs. Heinrich, Carolyn J. & Choi, Youseok
Rapport 2007 Forest Fires to Hurricane Katrina: Case Studies of Incident Command Systems. Report to the IBM Center for the Business of Government. Moynihan, Donald P.
Notat 2000 Active Administrative Policy: Presumptions and Practice. The Case of Norway, Sweden and the USA. Christensen, Tom og Per Lægreid, Lois R. Wise
Notat 2003 The use of usefulness of performance measures in the Public Sector. Propper, Carol & Deborah Wilson
Notat 2006 What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Performance: Dialogue Theory and Performance Budgeting. Moynihan, Donald P.
Notat 2006 The Bottom-Line, the Business Model and the Bogey: Performance Management, Sanctions and the Brave New World of Welfare-to-Work in Florida. Fording, R., Schram, S. & Soss, J.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 1998 The Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA): Hydra-Headed Monster or Flexible Management Tool? Radin, Beryl A.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 1999 Competitive Tendering and Contracting Out: Rhetoric or Reality. Hodge, G.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 1999 Reinventing Government in the American States: Measuring and Explaining Administrative Reform. Brudney, J.L., Hebert, F.T & Wright, D.S.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2000 Decentralization of Human Resource Management: Driving Forces and Implications. Hou, Yilin, Sally C. Selden, Patricia W. Ingraham & Stuart I. Bretschneider
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2000 The Government Performance and Results Act and the Tradition of Federal Management Reform: Square Pegs in Round Holes. Radin, Beryl A.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2000 An Examination of Bureaucratic Reactions to Institutional Controls. Franklin, Aimee L.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2000 Implementing Performance Accountability in Florida: What Changed, What Mattered and What Resulted? Berry, Frances S., Ralph S. Brower and Geraldo Flowers.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2001 Human Resources Practices in State Government: Findings from a National Survey. Selden, Sally C., Patricia W. Ingraham, and Willow Jacobson
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2002 Transforming Administrative Policy. Christensen, Tom, Per Lægreid og Lois R. Wise
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2002 Organizing for homeland security. (Special Report).(World Trade Center and Pentagon Attacks, 2001) Wise, Charles R.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2002 Nonmission-Based Values in Results-Oriented Public Management: The Case of Freedom of Information. Piotrowski, S.J. & Rosenbloom, D.S.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2002 Outcomes-Based Performance Management in Public Sector: Implications for Government Accountability and Effectiveness. Heinrich, Carolyn J.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2002 Pay for Performance in Georgia State Government: Employee Perspectives on GeorgiaGain after Five Years. Kellough, J. Edward, & Nigro, Lloyd
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2003 Public Management Policy Change in the United States 1993-2001. Moynihan, Donald P.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2003 Sources of Public Service Improvement: A Critical Review and Research Agenda Boyne, George A
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2003 Look for the Silver Lining: When Performance-Based Accountability Systems Work. Moynihan, Donald P. & Patricia W Ingraham
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2004 Integrative Leadership in the Public Sector: A Model of Performance Information Use. Moynihan, Donald P. and Patricia W. Ingraham
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2005 Homeland Security and the U.S. Public Management Policy Agenda. Moynihan, Donald P.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2005 State Social Services Contracting: Exploring Determinants of Effective Contract Accountability. Romzek, B.S. & Johnston, J.M.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2005 Testing How Management Matters in an Era of Government by Performance Management. Moynihan, Donald P. & Sanjay K. Pandey
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2005 Citizens and Consumers – A NPM Dilemma Aberbach, Joel D. & Tom Christensen
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2005 The Benefits of Human Resource Centralization: Insights from a Survey of Human Resource Directors in a Decentralized State. Coggburn, Jerrel D.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2005 How and Why State Governments Adopt and Implement Managing for Results Reforms. Moynihan, Donald P.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2005 Goal-based Learning and the Future of Performance Management. Moynihan, Donald P.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2005 Useful, But Not a Panacea: Performance-Based Program Budgeting in Florida. VanLandingham, Gary, Martha Wellman, and Matthew Andrews
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2005 Exploring and Explaining Contracting Out: Patterns among the American States. Brudney, J., Fernandez, S., Ryu, J.E., & Wright, D.S.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 Ending Civil Service Protections in Florida Government: Experiences in State Agencies. Bowman, Jonathan S. & West, James.P.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 A Broader Look at the "Accountability" Movement: Some Grim Realities in State Civil Service Systems. Hays, Steve W., & Sowa, Jessica E.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 At-Will Employment in Government: Insights From the State of Texas. Coggburn, Jerrel D.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 Managing for Results in State Government: Evaluating a Decade of Reform. Moynihan, Donald P.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 Responsibility Budgeting at the Air Force Materiel Command. Barzelay, Michael & Fred Thompson.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 Managing Public Service Contracts: Aligning Values, Institutions and Markets. Brown, T.L., Potoski, M., & Van Slyke, D.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 Reform, Reorganization, and the Renaissance of the Managerial Presidency: The Impact of 9/11 on the Executive Establishment. Conley, Richard S.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 Assessing Reforms of Government Accounting and Budgeting. Cheng, Rita & Kenneth A Smith
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 Do Legislatures Matter in Budgetary Reform? Bourdeaux, Carolyn
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 Organizing for Homeland Security After Katrina: Is Adaptive Management What’s Missing? Wise, Charles R.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 Does Performance Budgeting Work? An Examination of OMB’s PART Scores. Gilmour, John B., and David E. Lewis.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 Assessing Performance Budgeting at the OMB: The Influence of Politics, Performance, and Program Size. Gilmour, John B., and David E. Lewis
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 Power to the Principals: Decentralization in Three Large School Districts. William G. Ouchi
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 Dramatic Reform of the Civil Service: At-Will Employment and the Creation of a New Public Workforce. Kellough, J. E., & Nigro, L.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2006 The Federal Civil Service: The Demise of an Institution. Thompson, James
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2007 The Bankrupt "Revolution". Running Schools Like Businesses Fails the Test. Robert W. Howard and Jennifer Preisman
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2007 For-Profit Welfare: Contracts, Conflicts, and the Performance Paradox. Dias, J.J. & Maynard-Moody, S.
Tidsskriftsartikkel 2007 False or Fitting Recognition? The Use of High Performance Bonuses in Motivating Organizational Achievements. Heinrich, C.J.